Assuming you have followed a bit the market evolution in June, it should not come as a surprise that the performance in the month is extremely negative. The loss amounts to almost 16,000 Euro.

For a couple of days I was actually in the negative territory - meaning that the value of my investments was lower than what I spent originally (you can see what I mean in the graph below - where the flat line is my purchase value and the darket line the value of the investments). My timeframe for these investments is measured in decades, so I dont worry too much but I have to admit I was not expecting this to happen again!
The losses are spread all over the place - so it does not make sense to call out winners or losers, this month it is losers across the board.
On the positive side (yes, there is one even now), the dividend intake has been very good and I broke another monthly record with 744 Euro of dividends paid! Considering that already March 2022 and May 2022 were quite good, I am very happy to see this evolution. As you can see below, I am already above the full year value of 2021 and it is just half year.
I am almost at 2,0K Euro of dividend paid in 6 months, which means an average of 333 Euro per month, not bad! Below the contributors to this month payouts - I am particularly impressed by the first one, the Vanguard FTSE All-World.

July has just started and let´s see how the situation progresses!
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