After a great start of the year, February stabilized.
I feel we are stuck in a kind of loop:
- New data on inflation is better than expected
- Markets assume that the Central banks will not increase interest rates further and go on a buying spree
- Central banks confirm their guidance on the interest rates anyway
- Some other data pops up showing inflation is not yet under control and unemployment is still very low
- Markets deflate of the optimism and sell again
Repeat this sequence every month and you get a bit the state we are in now.
In February, the portfolio was basically stable (+0.18%) - Emerging markets lost quite a bit but Europe (and the Apple stock I have left) compensated for that.
On my side I was able to scrape 500 Euro to invest in iShares Emerging markets and with the savings of my wife I bought her ETF - iShares Core MSCI World - for 5,000 Euro. The last one is again a one-off, the money stored under the bed is now over (but I am still waiting for my big one-off, which I expect in March at this point).

Dividends are kind of slow until now - 2023 is the black line in the graph below. This is mostly due to the fact that I sold last year an ETF that was giving dividends in January and bought instead another one with a different payout pattern.

iShares Core Euro and Apple were the contributors to February with 136 Euro and 22 Euro respectively. I am confident things will pick up in March.
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