Back in April I wrote about crossing the 300K Euro threshold in terms of portfolio value for the first time and asked myself for how long that number would start with a 3 and not with a 2. Well, in October we got extremely close to that scenario (despite having invested since then more than 10K Euro!).
In the month, I was able to keep buying iShares Emerging Markets for 1,473 Euro - this makes it two months in row in which I was able to keep growing the portfolio, not bad considering the situation.
That said, I ended up losing around 10K Euro also this month, again pretty much across the board. The lowest point was around 303K Euro, then the market recovered a little.

As usual October is not really a dividend rich month - only Nike paid out 8.82 Euro, thus not moving the needle.

All my hopes to go above 5K dividends in 2024 are on November and December, missing a bit less than 1,000 Euro!
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