December has continued the upward trend of November and delivered a 3,64% increase, worth almost 12,000 Euro. I was able to keep investing in this month as well, buying iShares Emerging Markets for 1,717 Euro, with some help from the last months dividends. In December, they accounted for around 542 Euro.

The last 2 months were just crazy in terms of market rally. In October I was kind of resigned to go into negative territory for the year but then November and December brought the overall performance to the strongest peak of the year. 2023 started with very negative expectations and instead turned out to be a very positive year for the overall market.

For people like me in the accumulation phase and with a few years to go, this does not necessarily translate into good news though, as we have paid more on average for what we bought. If we take a full year perspective, the value of the portfolio is up by 12,21% and I was able to invest around 57,000 Euro. This is higher than in 2022 (around 41,000 Euro) and it is mainly driven by the one-off payment I got in the first half of the year. In 2024 it will be very hard to keep the numbers so high.

On the dividend front, as expected I got close to 5,000 Euro but was not able to reach it, ending at 4,865 Euro. My dividend yield is stable around 1,6% and every month I averaged around 405 Euro of dividend payouts.
Compared to 2022, the growth was around 22,3%.

After a somewhat counter intuitive 2023, let's see what this year bring. In the end, nothing really changes in the investment strategy anyway, but the drama can be interesting to follow!
To everyone, Happy New Year!
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